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Data Types

Table 270 Data Types

Data Type




Numeric Counters section.

Counters are displayed in the format nn,nnn$ where $ is ‘K’ for Kilo (x 1,024), ‘M’ for Mega (x 1,024K)

TRANS - Number of transactions

MSGS -IN - Number of incoming messages

MSGS –OUT - Number of outgoing messages

BYTES-IN - Number of incoming bytes

BYTES-OUT - Number of outgoing bytes



Average transaction response time section.

Timers are displayed in the format$ where $ is ‘s’ for seconds, ‘m’ for minute, ‘h’ for hours and ‘d’ for days.

INP-Q.TIME - Input queue duration

OUT-Q.TIME - Output queue duration

SRVER-RESP - Application server response time

PRTNR-RESP - Partner response time

OTHER.TIME - Other transaction states duration

TOTAL-RESP - Total transaction response time

Parent Topic

Output (DATRACE)