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Options of the List of Databases Screen

The following options, listed at the bottom of the screen, can be applied to any row in the List of Databases screen. Specify the desired option in the OPT field next to the database name, and press Enter.

Table 67 Options of the List of Databases Screen




Display and edit the list of the columns in the database. For more information, see List of Columns Screen.


Insert a new database in the list. The New Database window is displayed, prompting you to specify database name, description, and the maximum number of rows.

The new database is added after the database that was marked with an "I". When the List of Databases screen is redisplayed, the databases are sorted in alphabetical order. To redisplay the List of Databases screen, exit and then reenter it.

For more information on inserting a new database, see Inserting a New Variable Database.


Update the description of the current database. For more information, see Updating Database Descriptions, and Updating Contents of a Database in Memory.


Display the variables of the database. This option displays the Values of Database screen. For more information, see Displaying the Values of Databases Screen.

Parent Topic

List of Databases Screen