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Sample template


** REMTMPLx - Remedy Email Template                               **  

**                                                                **  

** This is a sample of a Remedy Email template to be used in      **  

** order to open a ticket in Remedy.                              **  

**                                                                **  

** The email template should reside in IOA.PARM library and to    **  

** be named as REMTMPLx where x is the charater specified in      **  

** parameter REMTMPLS= in member IOA.PARM(REMCONF).               **  

**                                                                **  

** This sample includes 2 separate sections:                      **  

**  - The first section should be used with Remedy release 6.     **  

**  - The second section should be used with Remedy release 7.    **  

**                                                                **  


** Steps needed to be done to customize the template:             **  

**                                                                **  

** a.  Select the sample appropriate to your Remedy               **  

**     level (6 or 7).                                            **  

**                                                                **  

** b.  Remove (or comment using an asterisk in column 1)          **  

**     the sample related to the Remedy level not used on         **  

**     your site.                                                 **  

**                                                                **  

** c.  Fill in the customization parameters as defined in         **  

**     your site:                                                 **  

**                                                                **  

**      - The Remedy schema name used for opening the ticket      **  

**      - The Remedy server name                                  **  

**      - The Remedy user name                                    **  

**      - The Remedy User password                                **  

**                                                                **  

** d. Add additional Remedy fields that are required on           **  

**    on your site as additional lines at the bottom of           **  

**    the template.                                               **  

**                                                                **  

** e. The member should be placed in the IOA.PARM library         **  

**    and to be named REMTMPLx where X is the suffix              **  

**    specified in parameter REMTMPLS in member REMCONF           **  

**    which resides in the same library.                          **  

**                                                                **  

** Please refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator           **  

** Guide for more information.                                    **  

**                                                                **  


** Remedy 6 sample                                                **  

** ---------------                                                **  

** Use the following section for Remedy release 6.                **  

** Don't forget to remove the section for Remedy release 7 below. **  


Schema: HPD:HelpDesk                                                  

Server: remsrvr                                                       

Login: Demo                                                           


Action: Submit                                                        

Format: Short                                                         

Summary* !        8!: %%SUMM%%                                        

Description* !240000007!: %%DESC%%                                    

Category* !200000003!: Software                                       

Type* !200000004!: Other                                              

Item* !200000005!: Other                                              

Login*+ !240000005!: %%USER%%                                         

Name*+ !240000001!: %%USER%%                                          

Source* !260000128!: Email                                            

Solution Details !260000503!:                                         

Status* !        7!: New                                              

Case Type* !260000130!: Incident                                      

Urgency !240000009!: %%URGENCY%%                                      



** Remedy 7 sample                                                **  

** ---------------                                                **  

** Use the following section for Remedy release 7.                **  

** Don't forget to remove the section for Remedy release 6 above. **  


char-set: windows-1252                                                

Schema: HPD:IncidentInterface_Create                                  

Server: remsrvr                                                       

Login: Demo                                                           


Action: Submit                                                        

Description !1000000000!: %%SUMM%%                                    

Service Type !1000000099!: User Service Request                       

Status !         7!: New                                              

Details !1000000151!: %%DESC%%                                        

First Name* !1000000019!: App                                         

Last Name* !1000000018!: Admin                                        

First Name+ !1000005783!: %%USER%%                                    

Last Name+ !1000005782!: %%USER%%                                     

Impact* !1000000163!: 3-Moderate/Limited                              

Urgency* !1000000162!: %%URGENCY%%                                    

!1000000076!: CREATE                                                  



** Version 7.6.04                                                 **  

** If you want to specify values for the First Name+ and          **  

** Last Name+ parameters in the REMTMPLx member, you must define  **  

** these values as user with valid First and Last names in Remedy,**  

** then remove the asterisks from the First Name+ and Last Name+  **  

** fields, and then specify values of the defined First and Last  **  

** names.                                                         **  


char-set: windows-1252                                                

Schema: HPD:IncidentInterface_Create                                  

Server: remsrvr                                                       

Login: Demo                                                           


Action: Submit                                                        

Description !1000000000!: %%SUMM%%                                    

Status !         7!: New                                              

Details !1000000151!: %%DESC%%                                        

First Name* !1000000019!: App                                         

Last Name* !1000000018!: Admin                                        

*Uncomment the  First Name+ and Last Name+ if defined in Remedy       

*First Name+ !1000005783!: %%USER%%                                   

*Last Name+ !1000005782!: %%USER%%                                    

Service Type !1000000099!:1                                           

Impact* !1000000163!: %%URGENCY%%                                     

Urgency* !1000000162!: %%URGENCY%%                                    

!1000000076!: CREATE                                                  

RepSource !1000000215!:email                                          

The sample REMTMPL member is similar.

In the sample provided for Remedy version 7.6.04, the lines for the First Name+ and Last Name+ parameters are commented out with asterisks (*) so that by default a Remedy ticket is produced.

If you want to specify values for the First Name+ and Last Name+ parameters in the REMTMPLx member, you must define these values as a user with valid first and last names in Remedy, then remove the asterisks from the First Name+ and Last Name+ fields, and specify the values of the defined First and Last names.

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