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Expanding Various IOA Files

The following IOA files can be expanded using ICE:

Perform the following the steps to expand IOA files.

For complete details about the DBS, COL, and VAR files, see Enlarging IOA Variable Databases.

  1. Close all monitors and IOA activities.

    When expanding the IOA Manual Conditions file (NRS), there is no need to close any monitors or IOA activities.

    When expanding the IOA Variables Database, shut down only CMEM and the Control‑O monitors. However, keep in mind that when these monitors are stopped, Control‑M is not able to access the AutoEdit variables in the database.

  2. Rename the old file that you want to expand. If you are expanding the IOA Database, Columns, and/or Variables files, unload the following files to sequential files accordingly:
  3. Delete or Rename the old file that you want to expand. If you are expanding the IOA Variable Database facility’s Columns and/or Variables files, do the following to unload these files to sequential files accordingly:
    1. Using ICE, select Customization. Enter IOA in the Product field, select Product Customization, and then select major step 2, "Customize Dataset Parameters." Perform the minor steps in order for each file you want to expand.
    2. Perform minor step 1, "Customization Instructions," which provides an overview of the process.
    3. If you are expanding the IOA Log file, perform minor step 2, "IOA Log File Space Calculation."
  4. Perform minor step 3, "IOA Dataset Parameters," which lets you specify values that ICE uses to calculate the appropriate file size. During this step, specify a question mark (?) in any parameter field for help.

    Modify only the parameters relevant for the files you want to expand. The following table lists parameters that can be changed in this step:

    Table 80 Parameters that can be changed in this step



    Relevant File


    Number of records in the IOA Conditions file

    Conditions file


    Number of records per day in the IOA Manual Conditions file

    Manual Conditions file


    Mirror Database = Y (Yes) or N (No)

    Dual Conditions file

  5. If you are expanding the IOA Database, Columns and Variables files, perform minor steps 4 through 6, respectively.
  6. Perform minor step 7, "Save Parameters into Product Libraries," to save the parameter values that you specified in minor step 3.
  7. Minor steps 8 through 14 are jobs that perform the expansion. Perform only those steps relevant to the files you want to expand.

    Table 81 File Expansion Jobs



    Parameter Description

    Conditions file

    FORMCND in the IOA INSTALL library

    This job allocates and formats a new Conditions file (CND/CKP) with the new size. If the user has Control‑M installed and is utilizing the Journaling feature, the Journal Conditions file must also be expanded. For details see Expanding Control-M Files.

    Log file

    FORMLOG in the IOA INSTALL library

    This job allocates and formats a new Log file (LOG) with the new size.

    Manual Conditions file

    FORMNRS in the IOA INSTALL library

    This job allocates and formats a new Manual Conditions file (NRS) with the new size.

    Databases file

    IOADBDBS in the IOA INSTALL library

    This job allocates and formats a new Databases file (DBS) with the new size.

    Columns file

    IOADBCOL in the IOA INSTALL library

    This job allocates and formats a new Columns file (COL) with the new size.

    Variables file

    IOADBVAR in the IOA INSTALL library

    This job allocates and formats a new Variables file (VAR) with the new size.

  8. Copy the old files into the new ones according to the instructions below:

    Table 82 Copy Methods


    Copy Method

    Conditions file

    Copy using utility IOACCND. For information about utility IOACCND, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

    Log file

    Copy using utility IOACPLOG in the IOA JCL library. For information about utility IOACPLOG, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

    Manual Conditions file

    Run utility IOALDNRS to load the manual conditions into the new Manual Conditions (NRS) file.

    Databases file

    Load sequential file IOADBSLD and build index IOADBSBI into the IOA.JCL library.

    Columns file

    Load sequential file IOACOLLD and build index IOACOLBI into the IOA.JCL library.

    Variables file

    Load sequential file IOAVARLD and build index IOAVARBI into the IOA.JCL library.

  9. Start the monitors and issue other relevant modify commands.

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IOA Administration