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Running a User Daily from a Previous Working Day

At times, you might need to run or rerun a User Daily from a previous working day. To semi-automate this process, perform the following steps:

  1. Define a member PROGNCHK in the CTM PARM library. This member must contain at least the following 2 lines:



These lines may be copied from the second and third lines of member PROGUSR in the same library.

  1. Copy member DATERECU in the CTM PARM library to a new member DATERECR. In this new member, specify the required scheduling date for the particular run as the first date on the statement, and the remaining dates as an earlier date.

    For example, in the following member, the scheduling date is October 12, 2020:

121020           111020 111020            111020 111020           111020

  1. Run the CTMDAILY User Daily procedure with the DATEREC and PROGLST parameters as set below:


  1. When ordering the User Daily job via Control-M, specify the required scheduling date as the ODATE of the job.

    This ensures that job order messages JOB528I in the User Daily output contain the desired ODATE.

Parent Topic

Job Ordering using New Day Processing