Workflow Insights Data Exporter

Workflow Insights Data Exporter enables you to export some or all of the data that Workflow Insights collects into OpenSearch-indexed CSV files, which you can load into other dashboard programs outside of Control-M. OpenSearch indexes are database views that can also be explored via Workflow Insights Dashboards, as described in Workflow Insights Dashboard Options and Workflow Insights Dashboard Filters.

Workflow Insights data records are saved even when Data Exporter is not enabled, which results in a large data export when Data Exporter is enabled for the first time or after it has been disabled for a long period of time. To configure the number of months data records are saved for, see Configuring Workflow Insights.

  • If you use Elasticsearch in Workflow Insights, you must first upgrade to OpenSearch, as described in Upgrading from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch.

  • You must have Control-M/EM or higher installed.

The following API commands enable you configure Workflow Insights Data Exporter:

config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::get

The config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::get command enables you to get a list, in JSON format, of the Workflow Insights Data Exporter system parameters and their current values.

To change these parameter values, copy the JSON-formatted API response to a JSON file, change the parameter values, save the file, and send it with the config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::set command. You must have Control-M/EM or higher installed.

CLI Syntax

ctm config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::get


The following example shows the JSON-formatted API response:

   "parameters": [
      "name": "WIExportEnabled",
      "value": "true"
      "name": "WIExportTargetPath",
      "value": "/h/user/writable/wiexport"
      "name": "WIExportMaxFileSize",
      "value": "64"
      "name": "WIExportMaxPeriodPerFile",
      "value": "24"
      "name": "WIExportInterval",
      "value": "60"
      "name": "WIExportIndex",
      "value": "all"
      "name": "WIIndexList",
      "value": "ctm_alert,ctm_user_action,ctm_job_execution,ctm_job_order,ctm_service,ctm_definition_update"
      "name": "WIExportMaxRetries",
      "value": "5"
      "name": "WIExportRetryInterval",
      "value": "24"
    } ]

The following table describes the Workflow Insights Data Exporter system parameters that are shown in the example above, and that you can change via the Workflow Insights Data Exporter command.




Determines whether Data Exporter is enabled, as follows:

  • true: Data Exporter is enabled.

  • false: Data Exporter is disabled.

Default: false


Defines the preexisting directory path where the OpenSearch-indexed CSV are saved.


This value must be accessible from any machine that runs a Workflow Insights service.


Determines the maximum size (in MB) of the OpenSearch-indexed files that are exported in CSV format.

Valid Values: 1–128

Default: 64


Determines the number of hours of data to export per OpenSearch-indexed CSV file.

Valid Values: 1–24

Default: 24

A value of 8 produces three CSV files with timestamps from the following periods each day:

  • Midnight–8:00 AM

  • 8:00 AM–4:00 PM

  • 4:00 PM–midnight


Defines how often, in minutes, Data Exporter queries Workflow Insights for new data.

Default: 60


Determines one or more of the following Workflow Insights indexes to export:

  • ctm_alert: Workflow Alerts index.

  • ctm_user_action: User Actions index.

  • ctm_job_execution: Job Executions index.

  • ctm_job_order: Job Run index.

  • ctm_service: SLA Management Services index.

  • ctm_definition_update: Workflow Definition Updates index.

  • all: All of the above-mentioned indexes.

Default: all


Displays all the Workflow Insights indexes that you can export with the WIExportInterval parameter, as described in the WIExportIndex parameter.

This is a read-only parameter that you can leave or delete from the JSON-file that is sent with the Workflow Insights Data Exporter command.


Determines the number of times Data Exporter attempts to export an OpenSearch-indexed CSV file after the first attempt fails.

Valid Values: 0–10

Default: 5

If all attempts fail, the WIExportEnabled parameter is set to false.


Determines the number of seconds to wait before Data Exporter reattempts to export an OpenSearch-indexed CSV file.

Valid Values: 5–60

Default: 24



AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

To determine the correct AuthHeader value—"Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"—see Authentication Tokens.

config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::set

The config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::set command enables you to set the Workflow Insights system parameters with an attached JSON file.

To see the parameters that you want to set, first run the config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::get command, and then copy the JSON-formatted API response to a JSON file. After you change the parameter values, save and send the file with the config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::set command. You must have Control-M/EM or higher installed.

CLI Syntax

ctm config workflowinsights:dataexport:parameters::set -f <New_WI_System_Parameters>

Where New_WI_System_Parameters is the full directory path and filename of the JSON parameter definitions file.

The Workflow Insights Data Exporter system parameters are described in the Parameter table.

If annotation is enabled for the Configuration Management category in the CCM, you must also provide an annotation to justify your action. For more information, see Annotation Input.



AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
--data "@workflowSystemParameters.json" -X POST

To determine the correct AuthHeader value—"Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"—see Authentication Tokens.

config workflowinsights:dataexport:status::get

The config workflowinsights:dataexport:status::get command enables you to determine whether Workflow Insights Data Exporter is enabled, and to see the type and time of the most recently exported OpenSearch-indexed CSV files. You must have Control-M/EM or higher installed.

CLI Syntax

ctm config workflowinsights:dataexport:status::get


The following example shows the JSON-formatted API response when you export all OpenSearch indexes:

   "enabled": true,
   "details": [
      "name": "ctm_job_execution",
      "timestamp": "2023-12-24T08:23:10.895Z"
      "name": "ctm_alert",
      "timestamp": "2023-12-24T08:23:30.895Z"
      "name": "ctm_job_order",
      "timestamp": "2023-12-24T07:42:20.915Z"
      "name": "ctm_service",
      "timestamp": "2023-11-12T11:27:59.294Z"
      "name": "ctm_user_action",
      "timestamp": "2023-11-16T09:12:21.904Z"
      "name": "ctm_definition_update",
      "timestamp": "2023-11-12T11:27:32.077Z"
   } ]

The following table describes the parameters shown in the example response above.




Determines whether Data Exporter is enabled, as follows:

  • true: Data Exporter is enabled.

  • false: Data Exporter is disabled.

Default: false


Determines which of the following Workflow Insights indexes is exported:

  • ctm_alert: Workflow Alerts index.

  • ctm_user_action: User Actions index.

  • ctm_job_execution: Job Executions index.

  • ctm_job_order: Job Run index.

  • ctm_service: SLA Management Services index.

  • ctm_definition_update: Workflow Definition Updates index.

  • all: All of the above-mentioned indexes.

Default: all


Determines the time that the most recent Workflow Insights index was created, in ISO 8601 time format, as follows:


Where T separates the date from the time and Z stands for Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).




AuthHeader="x-api-key: $token"
# AuthHeader="Authentication: Bearer $token"  #for a session token

curl -H "$AuthHeader" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET

To determine the correct AuthHeader value—"Authentication: Bearer $token" or "x-api-key: $token"—see Authentication Tokens.