Control-M Automation API

Control-M Automation API is a set of programmatic interfaces that provide developers and DevOps engineers access to the capabilities of Control-M within the modern application release process. Job workflows and related configuration objects are built in JSON and managed with other application artifacts in any source code management solution, such as Git. This approach enables capabilities such as sophisticated scheduling, flow control, and SLA management to be built-in from inception and used during the execution of batch applications as they are automatically deployed in development, test, and production environments.

Control-M Automation API provides an automated interface to perform Control-M functionalities, such as test, run and deploy job definitions and packages to Control-M. You can manage job workflows as code, similar to the way modern configuration management solutions manage infrastructure as code. The actual execution of batch jobs is managed by Control‑M. For more information about Control-M, see Introduction to Control-M.

You can run Control-M Automation API commands with a REST API request or a command line interface (CLI) utility.

You can check your workflows into your source control system with the remainder of your project files. The Automation API provides services to package and deploy job workflows to the Control-M environment. Control-M schedules and operates on the most recently deployed workflows. Additionally, Control-M Automation API provides services to provision Control-M/Agents, and configure host groups.

Control-M Automation API decentralizes access to Control-M entities and provides them directly to developers. You can use Control-M Automation API to access Control-M via a REST API HTTP endpoint.

No prior experience with Control-M is required to define jobs. You can work through this guide and its Tutorials to get started and learn common best practices. The guide introduces you to the concepts of Control-M Automation API and provides examples of workflows. You can get more information about creating jobs by following the steps in the Creating Your First Job Flow tutorial, and learn more about accessing Control-M Automation API services to build, test, and deploy your jobs in Control-M Automation API Installation.

The following video describes getting started with Automation API.