Global Condition prefixes

The following table describes the prefixes used for defining different global conditions:



Condition prefix

Determines the prefix of the global condition

Length is up to 255 characters long.

Special characters, such as asterisks in this field are treated as text characters, not wildcards, and unless you intend them as literals, they might cause undesired results. For example, if you specify glo* instead of glo as a global prefix, glo*-job1_started will be a global condition, but not glo-job1_started.

Even truncated strings of the global condition prefixes must be unique or unpredictable results might occur. For example, do not define both a DA prefix and a DAY prefix because DA is a substring of DAY and therefore not unique.

From Control-M Server

Determines the Control-M/Server for which the global prefix apply.

Select one of the following:

  • Select Select and specific Control-M/Servers.
  • Select All.

To Control-M Server

Determines the Control-M/Server to automatically add or delete the same global condition as set in the From Control-M/Server field.

Select one of the following:

  • Select Select and specific Control-M/Servers.
  • Select All.

Parent Topic

Global Conditions Prefixes