Defining data source settings for Active reports

This procedure describes how to define data source settings for Active reports which enables you to define which Control-M/Server the report data is taken.

To define data source settings for Active reports:

  1. From the left Control-M/Servers list, select the Control-M/Server you want to use as your data source.
  2. Click add-rf.
  3. Repeat for all Control-M/Servers you want to add to the report.
  4. Do the following:
    1. To remove a Control-M/Server, click remove-rf.
    2. To add a mask, which enables you to exclude specific Control-M servers that you do not want to view in the report, do the following:
      1. Select a Control-M/Server.
      2. Click Add Mask.

        The Add Control-M Server Name Mask window appears.

      3. Type a name for the mask using * and ? wildcards.
  5. From the Load report data from the following network field, select from one of the following:
  6. Click Next.

    The Filters panel appears. for more information, see Filters panel parameters.

Parent Topic

Report Management