Finding jobs

This procedure enables you to find jobs based on fields and values in jobs and folders in the Workspace in the Planning Domain and/or in the Viewpoint in the Monitoring domain.

To find jobs:

  1. Do one of the following:

    A find field appears at the top of the Map view.

  2. In the find field, type the text you want to find.
  3. Click Find_Select, from the dropdown list select the fields to search, and then click OK.
  4. (Monitoring domain only) To select which entities to search, in the Search In field, select All Entities or select a status from the drop-down list.
  5. For additional fields, click Adv_Filter.

    The Advanced Find window appears.

  6. Type or add any filters as required, as described in Filtering search fields.
  7. Click I_WA_Search.

    The results of the search appear in the Search results tab at the bottom of the Map view area. You can then view it highlighted in the Flow diagram, Gantt view, or List view.

    To search for jobs using special characters, see Pattern matching strings.

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