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Determines whether to adjust the logical date for a job converted from a scheduling product other than Control‑M.

This parameter is relevant only for jobs running in Control‑M for z/OS.

Additional information





The following options are available:

  • Blank – No adjustment is made. The SMART folder and all the jobs in it are scheduled according to the regular criteria. This is the default.
  • P (Previous) – The operation of this value depends on whether it is in a folder or a job scheduling definition.

    If this value is set for a SMART folder, the SMART folder is scheduled both on the day indicated by the regular scheduling criteria and on the day preceding that day.

    If this value is set for a job, the job is scheduled on the day preceding that indicated by the regular scheduling criteria.

  • N (Next) – The operation of this value depends on whether it is in a folder or a job scheduling definition.

    If this value is set for a SMART folder, the SMART folder is scheduled both on the day indicated by the regular scheduling criteria and on the day following that day.

    If this value is set for a job, the job is scheduled on the day following that indicated by the regular scheduling criteria.

    + (Plus) – [For folder scheduling definitions only] The scheduling of the SMART folder is adjusted to the next logical date.

    - (Minus) – [For folder scheduling definitions only] The scheduling of the SMART folder is adjusted to the previous logical date.

Variable Name


Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: PREV_DAY
  • Control-M Report: Prev Day
  • Control-M/Server Utilities: (none)
  • Control‑M for z/OS: SAC
  • Control-M/EM API: sac

Use this parameter if one of the following is true:

In such circumstances, jobs may be scheduled at a time that falls between the time at which the logical date changed under your former product and the Control‑M New Day time. This may cause jobs to be scheduled on the wrong date. The SAC parameter enables the logical date to be automatically adjusted in the case of such jobs, so that they run on the required date.

EXAMPLE: In the MIXEDTBL folder, the JOBA, JOBB, and JOBC jobs in the folder have the SAC parameter set to P and the JOBX, JOBY, and JOBZ jobs have the SAC parameter left blank. In such a case, the folder must be scheduled on both the regular scheduling day for the folder and on the previous day, so that both types of jobs can run.

Set the SAC parameter of the MIXEDTBL folder to P.

EXAMPLE: In the ONEVAL folder, all the jobs have the SAC parameter set to P. In such a case, the folder must be scheduled on the day preceding the regular scheduling day only.

Set the SAC parameter of the ONVAL folder to -.

Parent Topic

Scheduling Parameters