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Folder Name

Defines the name of the folder. In the Properties pane, this parameter indicates the folder where the job belongs.

Additional information



Mandatory, if values are specified for the Job Name and Date parameters.


  • 1-64 characters
  • z/OS: 1-8 characters

Case Sensitive


Invalid Characters

  • Blanks
  • Single quotation marks
  • z/OS: Non-English characters
  • "$", "/", "*", "?", " " .

Variable Name


Alternate Names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: FOLDER_NAME
  • Control-M Report: FOLDER_ID
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: FOLDER
  • Control-M for z/OS: FOLDER NAME
  • Control-M/EM API: folder_name

Previously Known As

Table Name

In the Properties pane, together with the Control-M Job Name parameter, the Folder Name parameter determines the position of the job in the Control-M Folder hierarchy. The Folder Name parameter may include folder name or folder path.

EXAMPLE: Folder name including a user-assigned serial number.


EXAMPLE: Folder name including a time period.


Parent Topic

General parameters