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Requires user confirmation

Specifies whether user confirmation is required before the job is submitted for execution.

Additional information





Select the Requires user confirmation check box to indicate that confirmation is required. The job’s submission criteria are not evaluated until Control‑M receives manual confirmation from the user (using the Confirm/Restart option in the Control‑M window).

Clear the check box to indicate that confirmation is not required. The job’s submission criteria are evaluated when the job is placed in the Active Jobs database, without the need for user confirmation.

Invalid Characters

Non-English characters

Variable Name


Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: CONFIRM
  • Control-M Report: (none)
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: -confirm
  • Control‑M for z/OS: CONFIRM
  • Control‑M/EM API: confirm_flag

Alternate formats

Control‑M/EM Utilities

Valid values:

  • 0 - No confirmation required. Default
  • 1 - Confirmation required.


Control‑M/Server Utilities

Valid values:

  • N - No confirmation required. Default
  • Y - Confirmation required.

Control‑M for z/OS

Valid values:

  • N - No confirmation required. Default
  • Y - Confirmation required.

If Requires user confirmation is selected, a status of WAIT USER is assigned to the job when it is placed in the Active Jobs database. When you confirm the job, it is submitted after the remaining submission criteria are satisfied.

Parent Topic

Prerequisites parameters