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Workload Archiving configuration

Control-M Workload Archiving is a Control-M add-on that enables you to archive job data in a secure and central repository whenever jobs finish executing. Archived data includes job logs from Control-M/Server and job output from Control-M/Agents, but does not include job metadata from Control-M/EM.

When Control-M/Server submits a job to run on an Agent, the Workload Archiving Server archives the job log and output in a separate PostgresQL or Oracle database for a defined period based on Workload Archiving Policies.

A Workload Archiving Policy determines what job data to archive based on various criteria, including the following main criteria:

To start/stop the Workload Archiving database, perform backup and restore, and other database procedures, see arc_database_menu.

The following procedures describe how to start up and configure Workload Archiving settings:

You can also perform several procedures through Workload Archiving command line utilities, as described in Workload Archiving command line utilities.

After you have created a Workload Archiving policy and have configured the required settings, you can now perform an Archive search, as described in Control-M Workload Archiving.