Calendar authorizations

Calendar authorizations grant users access to specific calendars in Control-M and an authorization level for each calendar, as described in the following table:



Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and group:

  • None: Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and deleting objects in Control-M
  • Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in Control-M
  • Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in Control-M
  • Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in Control-M
  • Default: Inherits the authorizations from the associated group

Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for z/OS) that processes the job.


Define the name of the calendar that the user has access to based on the access level.

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete Calendar authorizations:

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM user and group authorizations