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Active authorizations

The authorizations in the Active tab enable you to grant users access to browse specific job output and perform specific actions on a job in the Monitoring domain based on job and folder filters, as described in Assigning Active authorizations.

The Browse, Control, and Update actions that you apply for a user are only applicable to the jobs and folders that you filtered.

EXAMPLE: User Bob has authorization to see jobs starting with a*, and is authorized to perform Free and Hold actions on those jobs. He also belongs to the Tech Support group, which have permission to see jobs starting with b*, and are authorized to perform Rerun and Confirm actions on those jobs. User Bob also belongs to the DBA group, which have authorization to see jobs starting with c*, and are authorized to use the Log and Documentation browse features and perform Confirm actions on those jobs.

When Bob logs into Control-M/EM, he sees all jobs starting with the letter a, b, and c. For all jobs starting with the letter a, he can perform Hold and Free actions. For jobs starting with the letter b, he can perform Rerun and Confirm actions. For jobs starting with the letter c he can view the Log and Documentation and perform Confirm actions.

The following table lists the Browse, Control, and Update actions that you can apply to a user for specific jobs and folders:




Enables you to filter jobs and folders based on simple or advanced filtering criteria.

NOTE: The following fields are not supported by MFT:

  • Application Type
  • Command
  • Critical
  • Cyclic
  • Description
  • Path/Mem Lib
  • NJE Node
  • Order Date
  • Run as
  • RBA
  • Task Type
  • Embedded Script/JCL


Enables you to assign browse authorizations for Properties, Documentation, Log, Statistics, View Output List, View JCL, and Waiting Info


Enables you to assign control authorizations for Hold, Release, Confirm, Rerun, React, Restart, Terminate, and Bypass


Enables you to assign update authorizations for Delete, Undelete, Set to OK, Edit Properties, and Edit JCL (JCL Verify included.)

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM user and group authorizations