Advanced Scheduling options

The following table describes the Advanced scheduling options:



Days of Month

Defines the following options with (Advanced) Days of Month scheduling rules:

  • Using a Calendar: Enables you to select the calendar, and view its calendar days.
  • Periods: Enables you to select to order only on calendar days, or to order on calendar days except. For each period, you can select calendar days from the beginning or end of each period.
  • Rules: Enables you to right-click, and select any combination of the rules, as described in Week/Month Days with rules options.


Defines AND or OR relationship between the (Advanced) Days of Month and (Advanced) Days of Week.

Days of Week

The following options are used for (Advanced) Days of Week scheduling:

  • Using a Calendar: Enables you to select the calendar, and view its calendar days.
  • Period: Enables you to select to order only on calendar days, or to order on calendar days except. For each period, you can select calendar days from the beginning or end of each period.
  • Rules: Enables you to right-click, and select any combination of the rules, as described in Week/Month Days with rules options.

Specific Dates

Defines specific dates (month and day) to schedule the job.

Order on Months

Determines which months the job can be scheduled for processing.

Rule-based Calendars

Enables you to define an AND/OR relationship between the Job scheduling definitions and all the Rule-based Calendars, and to select Rule-based Calendars.

Rule-based Calendars list

You can also add RBCs to the RBCs list and Excluded RBCs list, as described in Rule-based Calendar and Excluded Rule-based Calendar lists.

Excluded Rule-based Calendars list

You can also add RBCs to the RBCs list and Excluded RBCs list, as described in Rule-based Calendar and Excluded Rule-based Calendar lists.

Parent Topic

Scheduling options