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Analyzing the BIM alerts report

When a BIM service is late, an alert report named "BimAlertReport_date_pid.txt" is written to the EM log directory, listing the following data:

The following table describes the report fields:



Order Time

Defines the time the job was ordered


Defines the job Key in the following format: Net_name /ctm_server/Order_Id


Defines the job name or Mem name


Determines whether the job is part of the critical path


Defines the time between the previous job end time to the current job start time


Defines the job's start time


Defines the job's end time


Determines the depth of the job


Defines the latest time the service can end

Run Time Stat

Defines the job's average run time


Determines whether the source of the statistics is Default, Job or Rule:

Default (0)- there are no statistics for the job. The information is taken from the BIM system parameter.

Job (1)- there are statistics for the job, based on average run time

Rule (2)- statistics are taken from a Forecast or BIM Rule

Average Start Time

Defines the job's average start time

Diff From Avg

Determines the difference between the estimated BIM start time and the average start time:

HH:MM:SS- there are no statistics for the job. The information is taken from the BIM system parameter

DIFF-NO-RUN- there are statistics for the job, but BIM estimates that the job will not run

DIFF-RUNS- there are no statistics for the job, but BIM estimates that the job will run

Start Time

Defines the job's start time as estimated by BIM

End Time

Defines the job's end time as estimated by BIM


Determines the difference between the time when the service is due and the BIM estimate of when it should complete


Determines whether the job is influenced by BIM service assumptions

Service Satus

Defines the status of the service


Determines whether there is a loop in the service (e.g. a job waiting for a condition that is added by a job running later in the service flow)

Is Cyclic

Determines whether the job is cyclic

The BIM report contains problems in the service and hints on how to resolve them.

The following table describes the hints and the action that can be taken:


Hint text



Job <job name> average start time is higher than simulation time by X hours.

Increase the BIM system parameter MaxSimulationDays and then restart the BIM server in order for the parameter to take effect.


Job <job name> average end time <time> is after the service due time <time>.

If the BIM service is late, increase the deadline. If the service finishes on time, check the job's statistics.


Job <job name> is suspected to cause the service not to run.

Check the job's projection.


Job <job name> is suspected to cause the service to be too late.

Check whether an external event is affecting the job. External events include resource increase or decrease, SHOUTs coded in the job definition that force an OK and more.

You can add a Forecast/BIM rule to the external event in order to facilitate the job.


Job<job name> has the largest gap in the service, it is suspected to cause the service to be late.

Check the job's statistics.


Job<job name> a gap of <time> from parent job and no "From Time".

Check the job's projection.


Job<job name> average run time <time> is based on a Forecast/BIM rule.

Check whether the rule is correct.


BIM ODATE is <date>.

Check whether there are jobs from other ODATEs that should not be in the service.

Jobs that use Maxwait (they are kept active for X days) and resources may cause BIM to estimate that they will run and utilize the resources. Set PrevDaysOrphanConditions to 1, so that BIM only runs jobs from the last ODATE rather than all of the old jobs.


Job<job name> is waiting for an Any Date condition.

Check whether the BIM system parameter ConditionDaysToLoad is set to the right value. The parameter's default value is 7, meaning BIM loads conditions from the past 7 days. If the job is waiting for an older condition, increase the parameter value accordingly.

Checking statistics of a job:

  1. Activate DIAG in BIM in one of the following options during New day:

    In the BIM log the jobs with high standard deviation of Start time or Run time are listed.

    10/10/2017 08:26:43.396 [5] simuljob CSimulJob::LoadDataFromJobI(thread 11)

    DC: CTM_PROD Job: DTUCEDE01 Application: DTUAP Sub Appl: GLARDTU, average run time [99:31:29] standard deviation: [8580240] is large, consider using Periodic Statistics.

    10/10/2017 08:26:43.396 [5] simuljob CSimulJob::LoadDataFromJobI(thread 11)

    DC: CTM_PROD Job: DTUCADE04 Application: DTUAP Sub Appl: GLASUU, average start time [03:37 12/10/2017 GMT-07:00] standard deviation: [370240] is large, consider using Periodic Statistics.

    10/10/2017 08:26:43.396 [5] simuljob CSimulJob::LoadDataFromJobI(thread 27)

    DC: CTM_PROD Job: pstdq01p Application: DQME Sub Appl: GLDQME_AXP_GL, average start time: [ 03:37 14/10/2017 GMT-07:00] is larger than number of simulation days: 2 increase parameter MaxSimulationDays.

    The parameter MaxSimulationDays, must be increased if you need accurate BIM estimations of this job. If the job is not in a BIM service and it is not important to see the estimations, it is better to set MaxSimulationDays to 2, because increasing it has a performance impact.

  2. Check the statistics of the jobs listed in the above list, as follows:
    1. In the Monitoring domain, select a job and then select Statistics tab in the job properties.
    2. From the Control-M/EM database, search for the job according to job_mem_name in the AVG_RUN_INFO table and look at the avg_start_time of the job. If it is higher than 24, the job was waiting for more than one day on the AJF before it started to run.

    If the problem is in the Run Time, you can see from the statistics in the client, the days with higher run time, and put them in a different statistics period. For more information, see Control-M Batch Impact Manager (BIM) - Advanced Features.

    If the problem is in the average start time of the job, look at the following fields in the AVG_RUN_INFO table in the Control-M/EM database.

    The first date and time is the Start time of the job, and the date is the ODAT of the job.

    In the example: 352618 : 20170903112618:20170902, the average start time of 352618 means the job started 35 hours 26 minutes and 18 seconds after its order time on Odate 2015/09/02.

    Order Time: 2017-09-02 00:00:00

    Start Time: 2017-09-03 11:26:18

    If there is a job that on weekdays it starts on the same day, and on weekends it is ordered on Saturdays waits on the AJF and runs only Sunday, you need to define a deferent statistics period for Weekdays and Weekends.

Checking the Projection of a job

The projection of a job is the last event that prevented the job from running.

The following are possible record types:

In this case, there is a previous problem that prevented the job from running during its time window. Check if the job is using a resource, if not, it was waiting for a condition.

For more information and examples about the BIM alerts report, see 000149094.

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