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Running the forecastcli utility

This procedure describes how to run the forecastcli utility, which enables you to perform a Load Forecast operation in batch mode.

Before you begin

To run the utility:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Type the following command;

    forecastcli -u <user> [[-p <password>] | -pf <password_file>] -odate [YYYYMMDD|+n] [Filter] [-scenario <name>] [-run_time [Min|Avg|Max]] -job_info_file <file_name> [-service_info_file <file_name>] [/hide_times]

    For UNIX, add em and a space before specifying forecastcli. For example:
    em forecastcli -u emuser -p empass -odate 20090217 -job_info_file out.csv

For the Control-M parameter name, see Parameter name cross references. For more details on the forecastcli utility, see the following:

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