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Setting the TLS1.2 SSL Protocol

This procedure describes how to set the TLS1.2 SSL Protocol in the Policy table of Control-M/EM for communication with Control-M/Server (both gateways and CMS).

To set the TLS1.2 SSL Protocol:

  1. Navigate to the Policy table in Windows Registry, as described in Microsoft Windows environment.
  2. Select site > client.
  3. Add the following provider_options key in the registry:

    Value name: provider_options

    Value data: SSLProtocol=TLS1_2,[TLSCipherSuite= <desired ciphers list>]

    EXAMPLE: Value name: provider_options

    Value data: SSLProtocol=TLS1_2,TLSCipherSuite=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256

    For the TLSCipher list, see Cipher list.

  4. After updating the configuration, you need to restart the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent, Naming Service, CMS, and relevent gateways.

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Microsoft Windows environment