Implementing User Exits in Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to implement user exits in Control-M/Server.

To implement User Exits in Control-M/Server:

  1. Implement one of the user exits, as described in Control-M general user exits.
  2. Set appropriate values to exit configuration parameters in the config.dat file, which is located in the following directory:
  3. Do the following:
    1. Enable Control-M exits: Ensure that the value of the CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE parameter is set to Y (default).
    2. Enable specific user exits: Set the value of the relevant CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UEnnn configuration parameters to Y (nnn is the numeric part of the user exit name, valid values 101-106).
    3. In the CTM_PRM_TIMEOUT_UEnnn configuration parameter, set the maximum time to wait for the associated user exit script to run before it is terminated (where nnn is the numeric part of the user exit name, valid values 101-106).

      UNIX: Time is measured in units of seconds.

      Windows: Time is measured in units of milliseconds.

  4. In the user exit directory, define the scripts for the implemented user exits and assign the scripts default file names in the format:

    The location of the directory is:

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User Exits