Restoring Control-M/EM data

This procedure describes how to restore Control-M/EM data.

To restore Control-M/EM data:

  1. Display the Control-M/EM Root Menu (root_menu).
  2. In the Control-M/EM Root Menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
  3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Import Database option.

    You are prompted for location of the export_file_name file that was created during the procedure.

    Enter the path and name for the export_file_name file. Do not include the .Z extension.When the procedure is complete, the Database Maintenance menu is displayed.

  4. Enter q to exit the Database Maintenance menu and the Root menu.

    If you quit the Root menu or its submenus while performing the database restore, you must perform Rebuilding the database schema following import interruption.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM database backup and restore