Control-M/Server mirroring database

Control-M/Server database mirroring allows you to set up a secondary Control-M/Server database, which maintains a mirror image of your primary database. If the primary database server fails or loses integrity, Control-M/Server continues using the mirror database until the primary database becomes available. The secondary Control-M/Server database utilizes the same agents and remote hosts as the primary Control-M/Server database.

NOTE: This option is not compatible with high availability.

The following procedures describe how to set up a Control-M/Server mirror database, what to do in the event of disruption, and how to stop the process:

After you set up database mirroring, Control-M keeps the primary and secondary databases synchronized. However, if you run utilities to update the Control-M database, you may have to set up database mirroring again (see Primary and mirror database synchronization).

Parent Topic

High availability