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emdef switches

The following table describes switches for the emdef utilities:



emdef utility


Displays utility's description and available options.

All (except loopdetecttool)


The /a switch directs the utility to automatically reset the Created By parameter to the current Control-M/EM user when these two values do not match. If not specified, the utility skips (that is, does not process) job definitions whose Author does not match the currently logged in user.

NOTE: The /a switch has no effect on Administrator users and is relevant only when the AuthorSecurity system parameter is set to 2 or 3.

The following utilities are supported:

  • defjob
  • copydefjob
  • duplicatedefjob
  • exportdefjob
  • updatedef
  • defservice
  • exportdefservice
  • defcal
  • deffolder
  • exportdefcal
  • exportdeffolder


Used to receive verbose messages.

The following utilities are supported:

  • defjob
  • copydefjob
  • deldefjob
  • duplicatedefjob
  • exportdefjob
  • updatedef
  • defservice
  • exportdefservice
  • deffolder
  • exportdeffolder


Operates on a chunk of jobs at any one time to reduce the process' memory



Set the number of jobs in a chunk.

Default: 100



Operate on a single folder at a time, to reduce process memory.

The following utilities are supported:

  • defjob
  • exportdefjob
  • deffolder
  • exportdeffolder


Overwrites an existing folder definition in Control-M/EM database or creates a new folder if it does not exist.



Forces folder definition with a site standard that does not exist, which sets the site standard to none.


Parent Topic

emdef utility for jobs