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Export/import promotion rule parameters

The following table describes the parameters for exportpromotionrule and importpromotionrule utilities:




Defines the Control-M/EM user name.


Defines the Control-M/EM user password.

<password file name>

Flat file containing an unencrypted user name and password on separate lines in the format:



<GUI Server Name>

Control-M/EM GUI server logical name, host name, or IP address.

NOTE: If multiple GUI servers exist, set this parameter to the logical name of the relevant GUI server.

<data file name>

(import only) Defines the path and name of the XML file containing the promotion rules. For more information about the XML file, see exportpromotionrule arguments file rules and XML file rules.

<args file name>

(export only) Defines the path and name of the arguments file containing arguments that are used as selection criteria to determine which promotion rules to export.

<file name>

(export only) Path and name of the output file containing the exported promotion rules. For more information, see Promotion rules output file.


(import only) Overwrite. The /o switch directs the utility to overwrite any existing Promotion rule.

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