Export/import Promotion rules

Exporting and importing Promotion rules enable you to perform a mass update on Promotion rules where you can add and/or update a Promotion rule in large number of existing Promotion rules by using the following utilities:

After you export the Promotion rule using the exportpromotionrule utility, an output file is created. You can update and/or add the promotion rules to the output file, as described in Promotion rules output file. You can then import the Promotion rules into Control-M/EM, using the importpromotionrule utility.

Once you have successfully imported your Promotion rules, it is best to validate the changes and ensure that there are no errors.

NOTE: Promotion rules need to comply with site standards of the target environment, as promoted folders and jobs are validated according to the assigned site standard before they are sent to the target environment. For more information, see Site customizations management in Using Control-M .

Parent Topic

emdef utility for jobs