Preparing the failover Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to set up a failover Control-M/Server on the secondary computer. The failover Control-M/Server should be identical to the primary Control-M/Server and use the same Control-M/Agents and remote hosts. The failover server can be configured to use either a dedicated or a non-dedicated database server.

Before you begin

Prepare the database server by complying with the relevant Database parameters.

To prepare the failover Control-M/Server:

  1. Use the standard installation procedures described in Introduction to Control-M installation to install Control-M/Server on the secondary failover computer.

    NOTE: For instructions on configuring the secondary failover Control-M/Server so that it can be seen from within Control-M/EM, see Defining a Control-M/EM component.

  2. Check the following installation files and settings are identical on both primary and secondary servers:
  3. Add the secondary server host name to the list of authorized hosts of each Control-M/Agent.
  4. Review the Environment variables worksheet to verify that the secondary Control-M/Server database complies with the requirements for the mirror database.
  5. Verify that the primary and secondary Control-M/Servers are mapped to the same Control-M/Agent remote host computer by typing the ctmhostmap -action list command on the primary Control-M/Server.

    A report appears, displaying a list of remote host computers in the primary Control-M/Server.

  6. If you prepare a secondary database from a (non-primary) Control-M/Server, on the host computer, type the following commands to shut down the Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server:
  7. On the secondary Control-M/Server computer for each remote host on the displayed report, run the following command:

    ctm_agstat -AGSTAT <remoteHostName> R R

    NOTE: For each iteration, replace the <remoteHostName> variable with the name of a remote host from the report.

Parent Topic

Failover implementation