Scheduling a job every day except Sunday

This procedure describes how to schedule a job every day except on a Sunday using a Rule Based Calendar.

To schedule a job every day except Sunday:

  1. From the Tools domain, in the Planning area, click Calendars.
  2. Click New and then select Rule-Based.
  3. Typing the Calendar Name and select the Control-M Server.
  4. In the Schedule field, from the dropdown list, select Week days and then select every day apart from Sunday.


  5. To view the calendar, click View Schedule.
  6. Click OK and then click Check-in.
  7. From the Planning domain, Scheduling tab, in the Schedule field, select using Specific Rule-Based Calendars.
  8. In the Rule-based calendars list field, click Add_Parameter and then add the Rule Based Calendar.

Parent Topic

Rule Based Calendar examples