Scheduling a job on the last day of the month

This procedure describes how to schedule a job on the last day of the month using a Rule Based Calendar.

To schedule a job on the last day of the month:

  1. From the Tools domain, in the Planning area, click Calendars.
  2. Click New and then select Rule-Based.
  3. Typing the Calendar Name and select the Control-M Server.
  4. In the Schedule field, from the dropdown list, select Month days and then select Days from end of month.
  5. Click 1-.


  6. To view the calendar, click View Schedule.
  7. Click OK and then click Check-in.
  8. From the Planning domain, Scheduling tab, in the Schedule field, select using Specific Rule-Based Calendars.
  9. In the Rule-based calendars list field, click Add_Parameter and then add the Rule Based Calendar.

Parent Topic

Rule Based Calendar examples