Scheduling a job on specific days, week days, and months

This procedure describes how to use the Advanced Scheduling option, which enables you to schedule a job using a combination of months, days of month and days of the week.

To schedule a job using advanced scheduling:

  1. In the Scheduling tab, from the Schedule drop-down list, select Advanced Scheduling.
  2. In the Days of month area, select the days of month you want the job to run. If you have specified month days that are relative to a calendar, select the calendar from the Using Calendar drop-down list.
  3. In the Days of week area, select the days of week you want the job to run. If you have specified week days that are relative to a calendar, select the calendar from the Using Calendar drop-down list.
  4. Set the relationship between the selected month days and week days, by click And or Or.
  5. In the Order on months area, select the months you want the job to run.

EXAMPLE 1: The job should be scheduled every day.

1. Click All in the Days of month area.

2. Click All in the Order on months area.

EXAMPLE 2: The job should be scheduled on the first day following the end of each quarter:

1. Click 1 in the Days of month area.

2. Click Apr, Jul, Oct, Jan in the Order on months area.

EXAMPLE 3: The job should be scheduled every Monday through Friday.

1. Click All in the Order on months area.

2. Click Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri in the Days of week area.

Parent Topic

Job scheduling