Control-M/Server database maintenance and cleanup

The database server writes a message to an error log file when the server is started or shut down, and when a database error occurs. This file is not automatically truncated. If not manually truncated, the file will utilize a large amount of disk space. The file created is called an error log for MSSQL, and an alert log for Oracle. [UNIX only]

The responsibility of maintaining the error log file goes to the Control-M administrator or the database administrator depending on whether your site is using the database server provided with the installation, or a current database server when your site:

Control‑M/Server writes process log trace files to the proclog directory.

Each time Control-M/Server starts:

The higher the trace level, the larger the log files. If Control-M/Server entities operate for a long time using a trace level greater than zero, these log files utilize a large amount of disk space.

NOTE: If you are using a PosgreSQL, the database process logs are stored in the pgsql/data/pg_log directory. This folder is not automatically managed nor cleaned by the database or by Control-M processes. To avoid consuming disk space, BMC recommends to delete log files older than ten days.

The following procedures describe how to perform periodic Control-M/Server database cleanup procedures:

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Database maintenance and cleanup