Run Now Bypass options

This table lists the Run Now Bypass options that appear when you select the Select option.



Time Limits

Runs the Job regardless of the Time From, Time Until and Next Time parameter values.

NOTE: The Time Limits bypass does not include the Time zone parameter. That means that Jobs that are waiting for a specific date will still wait for that date, even if the Time Limit bypass is checked.

In Conditions

Runs the Job even if In conditions are not satisfied.

Quantitative Resources

Runs the Job regardless of whether Quantitative Resources specified in the Job are available in the active list.

NOTE: The Quantitative resource bypass also ignores the quantitative resource restrictions in the workload entities that the Job belongs to.

Control Resources

Runs the Job regardless of whether the Control Resources specified in the Job are available in the active list.

Workload Policy and Host Restrictions

Runs the Job regardless of the restrictions set by the workload entities.

NOTE: Workload Hosts Mapping rules enforced on Jobs with the Active policy, are not bypassed.

Scheduling Environment (z/OS only)

Runs the Job regardless of the Job’s SCHENV statement.

Pipes (z/OS only)

Runs the Job regardless of whether other Jobs using the same Pipe as that specified in the definition of this Job, are ready to run.

Pause (Quiesce z/OS only)

Runs the Job even if Control-M is in Quiesce mode, either as a result of QUIESTIME or QUIESQRES commands.

Run as Dummy Job

Runs the Job as a Dummy Job when the pre-submission criteria of the Job are satisfied, and the Job status should change to ENDED OK, and only the Job post-processing actions in the Job should be performed.

Run job without post processing

Runs the Job without performing any of the Job post-processing actions, including On/Do actions, Out conditions, Notifications OK/NOTOK and Output handling.

NOTE: When ordering (ignoring scheduling criteria), a Job that is set with Post Processing bypass, the Job will End OK and will not perform the post processing actions.

Parent Topic

Job actions