emmftcli parameters

The following table describes emmftcli parameters. For search with special characters (non alpha numeric) use quotes.




Control-M/EM user name


Control-M/EM user password


Defines a flat file containing an unencrypted username and password on separate lines in the format:



The name of the Control-M Configuration Server. It is mandatory to specify this parameter.


out_file <output file>Mandatory. output file in csv format. The utility overrides the data in the output file, if it already exists.


-timeout <timeout>timeout in seconds, to wait for search response.


Shows usage.


Search for File Transfer records according to the specified filter options


Defines free text to search, search for all File Transfer records that contain the specified text in the pre-defined fields (* are treated as any other character). If specified, all other search filter parameters are ignored.


Filters by Filename


Filters by Folder


Filters by Application


Filters by Sub Application


Filters by Job Name


Filters by one of the following statuses:

  • 3: FAILED


Filters by source host


Filters by destination host


Filters by source path


Filters by destination path


Determines the number of days back to search for file transfers sent or received. (1 is current day)


Determines the number of hours back to search for file transfers sent or received. from the current time (1 is current hour)


Determines the period to search for file transfers by date and time according to the following format:


NOTE: The date and times must be in UTC (GMT+00:00).

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