Configuring the automatic startup/shutdown procedure for Control-M/Agent

This procedure describes how to configure the automatic startup procedure for Control-M/Agent on UNIX.

NOTE: For a list of supported platforms, see Control-M/Agent automatic startup procedures.

To configure the automatic startup procedure for Control-M/Agent:

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Navigate to the following to location:


  3. Create a new unit service file with 644 permissions.

    The extension must be .service.

    EXAMPLE: ctmag.service

  4. Open the file and type the following:


    Description=Control-M Agent




    ExecStart=[agent_home_dir]/ctm/scripts/rc.agent_user start

    ExecStop=[agent_home_dir]/ctm/scripts/rc.agent_user stop


  5. Save the file.
  6. From a command line, run the following commands:
  7. Restart the Control-M/Agent computer.

Parent Topic

Control-M post installation procedures on UNIX