BIM Events

The following tables describes When parameters for Action Details.

On Event


Job failure on service path

One or more of the jobs in the service failed and caused a delay in the service.

A BIM service is considered OK even if one of its jobs fails, provided that another job, with an Or relationship to the failed job, runs successfully.

Service is late

The service will be late according to BIM calculations.

Job ran too long

One of the jobs in the critical service is late. Lateness is calculated according to the average run time and the value of the Job Runtime Tolerance parameters.

A service is considered on time even if one of its jobs is late, provided that the service itself is not late.

Job finished too quickly

One of the jobs in the critical service is early. The end time is calculated according to the average run time and the value of the Job Runtime Tolerance parameters.

A service is considered on time even if one of its jobs is early.

Service ended OK

The service ended OK.

Service ended NOT OK

The service ended late, after the deadline.

Service late past deadline

The service is late, and passed its deadline.

Parent Topic

Job types