Control-M Managed File Transfer installation

The following procedures describe how to install Control-M Managed File Transfer (MFT) on a Control-M/EM server on UNIX and Windows:

The installation copies the MFT packages repository for each OS to EM_HOME/CM_Deploy. The packages are used to deploy MFT to multiple Control-M/Agents, as described in Deploying Control-M MFT. The MFT plug-ins package located in the EM_HOME/Client_Updates/Plugins/AFT directory. The package is used to deploy MFT to any Control-M client after a user has logged in to the specific Control-M/EM server with MFT.

NOTE: After you have installed, you need to run a script that removes the Log4j v2 vulnerability, as described in 000391322.

Parent Topic

Control-M Add-on installation