Control-M Forecast parameters

System variables influence the behavior of Control‑M/Forecast components and features. The table describes the function of each Control‑M/Forecast -related system parameter and lists its default, if one exists.

Control‑M/Forecast administrators can change the value of most of these system parameters. If, however, a system parameter is to be modified only upon instruction of Customer Support, this is noted in the description of that system parameter.

NOTE: After modifying any of these system parameters, you must stop and restart the Forecast server.

System parameter



Enables you to add external or orphan conditions.

Manual conditions are conditions that are specified as in conditions for jobs but will not exist at the time Control‑M/Forecast generates its forecast. This may be because:

  • The job relies on a condition from a previous day. (Forecasts are only generated for a specific day.)
  • The job relies on a condition that has to be manually added or removed.

Valid values:

  • 0: Do not add conditions
  • 1: Add conditions at New Day.
  • 2: Conditions are added at the average start time of the first job waiting for the condition.

Default: 2


Ignores delete conditions if needed by other jobs and there are no other jobs that add them.

Valid values:

  • 0: All delete conditions are performed
  • 1: Delete conditions are not performed if there are no jobs in the same Control-M
  • 2: Delete conditions are not performed if there are no jobs in all Control-M/Servers
  • 4: Almost all delete conditions are ignored

Default: 0


Determines whether the drop-down lists of available values are displayed for fields in the What-If event definition dialog boxes.

Valid values:

  • 0 - drop-down lists are not displayed
  • 1 - drop-down lists are displayed

Default: 1


Ignores missing conditions if it relates to an OR condition.

Valid values:

  • 0: Add all conditions
  • 1: Ignore OR conditions if missing.

Default: 1


Determines the Control-M/Server start of day time in the Control-M/Forecast domain. This parameter is relevant for all jobs that do not have From time defined and are scheduled to run when they are ordered.

Valid values:

  • ctm_new_day
  • midnight (00:00)

Default: ctm_new_day

EXAMPLE: This parameter is set to ctm_new_day and the new day is at 07:00 and the time is 23:00.There is a job that needs to run from 06:00 to 06:30. In Forecast, it shows that it will run today at 06:00 (because it's before the new day).

If the system parameter set to midnight then it will run tomorrow (+1)06:00 because it's after midnight.


Enables you to execute jobs that are waiting confirmation.

Valid values:

  • 0: Do not execute jobs
  • 1: Execute at New Day
  • 2: Execute at the job’s average start time

Default: 0


Defines how many exceptional historical samples should be ignored when calculating the average runtime for reporting purposes. Default: 2


Determines the maximum number of jobs that can be simulated by the Forecast Server for all requests.

Valid values: 1 or higher.

Default: 200,000

NOTE: This parameter affects the Forecast domain in the Control-M client and requests submitted via the Forecast utility.


Maximum number of Forecast requests that can run simultaneously.

Valid values: The number of forecasts requested equal to or greater than 1.

Default: 5


Sets the minimum chunk size for jobs when generating the forecast.

Valid values: The number of jobs equal to or greater than 1.

Default: 1000


Number of days to simulate the running of the services to calculate estimated end times. Each additional day takes more CPU time during the calculation process.

Valid values: The number of days equal to or greater than 1.

Default: 2


Maximum size (in KB) of the XML files that hold forecast What-If scenarios.

Valid values: The number of KB greater than 1.

Default: 64


Interval, in seconds, the simulation advances its calculation of the estimated end time.

Valid values:

  • 1 - Improves accuracy
  • 10 - Default
  • 60 - Improves performance


Valid values: Maximum number of times that the Configuration Agent can attempt to create a socket.

Default: ‑1 (no limit)


Interval, in seconds between successive attempts to create a socket.

Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0.

Default: 10


Determines if load balancing of quantitative resources is supported.

Valid values:

  • 0: Not supported
  • 1: Supported

Default: 1


Add conditions created by On Do Actions.

Valid values:

  • 0: Do not add conditions
  • 1: Add only added conditions
  • 2: Add added and deleted conditions

Default: 1


If Control‑M/Forecast should send updates when loading a forecast.

Valid values:

  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes

Default: 1


Regular expression that identifies Command-type jobs that use the ctmudly user daily job to order tables. If the command specified in the Command field in a job editing form matches the expression, Control‑M/Forecast assumes that the job uses ctmudly.

Valid values: <string expression>

Default: ^.*ctmudly[^ ]*

NOTE: The regular expression, ^.*ctmudly[^ ]*, identifies jobs that call ctmudly, regardless of the specified path or file extension.


Regular expression that identifies Job-type jobs that use a particular user daily job (usually ctmudly) to order tables. If the name specified in the File Name field in a job editing form matches the expression, Control‑M/Forecast assumes that the job uses the user daily.

Valid values: <string expression>

Default: ^.*ctmudly.*

NOTE: If you use this system parameter, you must also use the UserDailyParamNO system parameter so that Control‑M/Forecast can access the name of the user daily.


Numeric suffix of the AutoEdit variable, %%PARAMn, which contains the name of the user daily. For example, if this system parameter is set to 2, Control‑M/Forecast reads the name of the user daily from %%PARAM2.

Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.

Default: 1

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM system parameters