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Remedy integration file properties

The following table describes the file definitions that are used to configure your Remedy environment settings in order to integrate it with Control-M Workload Change Manager:




Defines the name of your Remedy server.


Defines the user name in Remedy.


Determines whether the user password is encrypted or not. If you want to encrypt the user password, do the following:

  1. Complete Integrating Remedy with Control-M Workload Change Manager and build the MAEVEN package.
  2. Run the following command:

    java -cp target\WCMRemedyIntegration-9.jar com.bmc.ctmem.wcminteg.changemanagment.AESCrypt abcd1234

  3. Update the encrypted password in the UserPassword property
  4. Build the MAEVEN package again.

Valid Values:

  • yes
  • no

Default: no


Defines the password of the Remedy user. If you have created an encrypted password, you can define the password in this property.


Creates a new change management entry in the Remedy form.


Determines an existing change management entry to modify in the Remedy form.


Specifies the field ID number that contains the Change Ticket ID in Remedy. If the Change Ticket ID is not defined in the submitted request, it is created automatically and is then assigned to the request. If a Change Ticket ID is defined, then it is verified in Remedy.


Specifies the field ID number that contains the status of the request.


Specifies the field value which determines if the status is approved.

After a request is submitted for approval, the integration process checks if the TicketApprovedFieldId of the change ticket is in the value of TicketApprovedFieldValue. If it is, the request is approved and the status is changed.

Note: The Remedy example provides two actions; create and verify a Change Ticket ID and verifying approval of a request when it is submitted for approval. You can add more properties for the different Control-M Workload Change Manager request statuses; such as returned, rejected, etc. You can modify and add properties that suit your organizations' needs.

Parent Topic

Workload Change Manager integration with a change management system