Multitracker parameters

The following parameters describe Control-M/Agent Multitracker parameters.




Enables Multiple Parallel Trackers

Valid values: Y|N

Default: Y

NOTE: In the previous versions it was one tracker process. If MULTITRACK_ENABLED=Y, multiple parallel trackers/processes enabled.


Determines the maximum number of tracker-workers that can run in parallel, in a normal situation of the tracker, that is, when there is no starvation. Starvation might occur either by a job that causes repeated tracker-worker crashes, or by a job that causes a tracker-worker to hang.

Valid values: 1-100

Default: 10


Determines the amount of time (in seconds) when a job is said to be tracker recently.

To avoid situations where a job is tracked by more than one tracker-worker in a short period of time, define a time interval, MULTITRACK_SKIP_INTERVAL, where a job is skipped by tracker-workers. Before a tracker-worker tracks a job, it checks if that job has recently been tracked, and if it is, the tracker-worker does not track it.

Valid values: 1-60

Default: 15


Determines the optimal ratio between the number of jobs and the number of tracker-workers. In a normal situation, the tracker spawns new tracker-workers if the number of jobs divided by the number of running tracker-workers (actual ratio) is more than this optimal ratio. It shuts down tracker-workers if the actual ratio is less than the optimal ratio.

Valid values: 5-300

Default: 30


Determines the amount of time (in seconds) a job may wait to be tracked before declared as starved.

Valid values: 30-300

Default: 120


The main tracker works in iterations. In each iteration it first waits for events that might be sent from completed jobs and track these jobs, and then searches for completed jobs that do not send events, and tracks them.

This parameter determines the amount of time (in seconds) the main tracker process waits for events. Tracker-workers work in the same manner, but still use the EVENT_TIMEOUT (tracker polling interval) for the time they wait for events.

Valid values: 10-240

Default: 30

Parent Topic

Control-M/Agent parameters