Agentless parameters

The following table describes Control-M/Agent Agentless parameters.




(SSH Connection Mode)

The SSH connection mode used in Agentless jobs.

Valid values:

  • 0 - The agent uses only the SSH protocol to upload and download files and to submit the job to the remote computer.
  • 1 - The agent uses both SFTP and SSH protocols. Only one connection is opened during job execution.
  • 2 - The agent used both SFTP and SSH protocols. Two connections are opened at the beginning of the job, but after a while the SSH connection is closed.

Default: 2

NOTE: The values 0 and 1 are not supported. BMC recommends to only use value 2.

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


(AgentLess Connection Retries)

Maximum number of attempts to be made to restore the connection.

Valid values: Integer

Default: 15

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


(Time Interval between Restore Connections)

Time interval, in seconds, between attempts to restore the connection.

Valid values: Integer

Default: 120 seconds

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Determines where the OUTPUT handling operations are performed on the remote host.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


(Print Details to OUTPUT)

Determines whether to include details related to the remote connection in the job OUTPUT of jobs executed on a remote host.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: Y

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


(Download Output from Remote Host when job ends)

Determines whether the post processing actions of move, copy, or delete of the job OUTPUTs is performed from the remote host.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Determines if the OUTPUT file is deleted from remote host computers.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


(AgentLess Temporary Directory)

A directory to store temporary files.

These files are automatically removed to Control-M/Agent when the jobs end and the network connection is available or restored.

Default: period (.), which means that the files are stored in the user home directory of the job’s owner in the remote host.

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No


(Save Commands in the OUTPUT in OpenVMS Remote Host)

For a Control-M/Agent submitting jobs to an OpenVMS remote host, this parameter specifies whether or not to print commands in the OUTPUT of a job.

Valid values:

  • Y – Implements SET VERIFY, which prints commands in the job OUTPUT
  • N – Implements SET NOVERIFY, which does not print commands in the job OUTPUT
  • E – Specifies that the verification value is taken from the environment

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Specifies how many jobs can make use of a single connection. The connections are monitored and unused ones (connections with ended jobs) are released.

Valid values: 1 - 50. When set to 1, the Agent works as it does for Control-M/Agent 6.4.01.

Default: 10


The interval needed for a thread to monitor the connections and release unused ones.

Valid values: 1 - 30 minutes

Default: 10 minutes


Sets the amount of time, in minutes, to check the status of open connections.

Valid values: 1 - 30 minutes

Default: 10 minutes


SSH command to verify platform version.

Valid values: A valid command.

Default: cmd.exe /c ver

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No


Determines whether the WMI remote host availability will be checked by TCP ping only (Y) or by checked both WMI and TCP (N).

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Set the time to wait for WMI events.

Valid values: Positive integer (milliseconds)

Default: 50000 (milliseconds)


Determines deleting of temporary files on remote host after job execution.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: Y


Determines whether to check for the remote host platform for every job.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


The interval in seconds for job completion monitoring (SSH).

Valid values: 0-86400 seconds

Default: 0 seconds


Determines whether to allow multiple remote hosts keys (for clusters)

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Determines the default queue for OpenVMS Remote Host

Valid values: Y, N

Default: sys$batch


Determines the SSH connection timeout for job monitoring (Mode 2).

Valid values: 1 - 86400 seconds

Default: 300 seconds


Determines the number of retries when communicating via the SSH-courier.

Valid values: 1 - 1000

Default: 10


Specifies the shared directory name used by the Agent for WMI jobs.

Valid values: SYSOUT

Default: SYSOUT

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Control-M/Agent parameters