Comm parameters

The following table describes Control-M/Agent Comm parameters.




(Allow Comm Init)

Determines if the agent can open a connection to the server when working in persistent connection mode.

Valid values:

  • Y: On
  • N: Off
  • A: Automatically connects to Control-M/Server in persistent connection mode

Default: Y


(Agent-to-Server Port Number)

<Port number>/<Timeout> for the Agent-to-Server port.

Port number specifies the Server computer port that receives data from the agent computer. Verify that this port is not used for any other purpose. This value must match the Agent-to-Server Port Number in Control-M/Server. The Timeout value is the COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds. Mandatory. Example: 7005/30. Note: Increasing the Timeout value reduces agent performance.

Valid values: Between 1024 and 65533 inclusive

Default: 7005


Defines the authorized Control-M/Server IP address.


(Authorized Control-M/Server Hosts)

<one or more TCP/IP addresses or DNS names separated by |>. Each value identifies an authorized Control-M/Server host where a backup Control-M/Server is installed. (This parameter was previously called Mirror Control-M/Server Host Name.) Specify this parameter if one or more Control-M/Servers have been designated as backups and can connect to this agent in case of failover. For information about backup server configuration, see the Control-M Administration. Mandatory. At least one primary host name should be specified. Example:||


(CTMS Address Mode)


If this parameter is set to IP, the IP address instead of the host name is saved in CTMS_HOSTNAME. Use this parameter when Control-M runs on a computer with more than one network card.


(Primary Control-M/Server Host)

Control-M/Server host name. Name of the primary host running Control-M/Server.


(Tracker Polling Interval)

Job Tracking Timeout. Tracker event timeout in seconds.

Valid values: 1-86400

Default: 120 (UNIX) 60 (Windows)


(Listen to Network Interface)

The network interface the agent is listening on. It can be set to a specific hostname or IP address so that the agent port is not opened in the other interfaces.

Default: *ANY (the agent is listening on all available interfaces)


(Logical Agent Name)

Logical name of the agent. The value specified should match the name the agent is defined by in Control-M/Server. The logical name is used only when the agent initiates the communication to Control-M/Server.

Replies and job status updates are sent by the agent using the name the Control-M/Server used to contact the agent. This allows the server to use several aliases for the same agent.

Default: Agent host name

However, it can differ when either a cluster installation or the agent host name has aliases.


(Protocol version)

Server-Agent communication protocol version.

Valid values: 12 or lower.

Default: 12


Defines the Remote Utilities port number.

Default: 8000


(TCP/IP Timeout)

The COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds.

When the value of ‘TCP/IP timeout’ is changed, using the configuration utility or CCM, the timeout part of the AGCMNDATA and ATCMNDATA parameters are changed.

Valid values: a number in the range 0-999999

Default: 120


(Tracker Event Port)

Number of the port for sending messages to the Tracker process when jobs end.

Valid values: 1025-65535


Uploads agent utilities to remote hosts.

Valid Values:

  • Disable: No support for remote utilities
  • Once: Uploads the files once unless it changed (ongoing mode)
  • Always: Uploads the files before each job (zero footprint mode)

Default: Disable


(Timeout for Agent utilities)

Maximum time (in seconds) the agent waits after sending a request to Control-M/Server. This timeout interval should be longer than the TCP/IP Timeout.

Default: 120 (UNIX) 600 (Windows)

Parent Topic

Control-M/Agent parameters