Statistics parameters

The following table describes Control-M/Server Statistics parameters. You can also use the following various utilities to display, compile, and delete statistical data, as described in Statistics and reporting.





Determines whether to purge job statistics also during the day.

NOTE: This parameter is not relevant if an MSSQL database is used.

Valid Values:

  • Y
  • N

Default: Y


Affects the statistics cleanup algorithm that is performed during New Day when the RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is set to 0 (default). If the number of records to be deleted from the table is less than the value of this parameter, then records are deleted directly from the statistics table. Otherwise a temporary table is used to delete the records.

Valid values: 0 - 65K

Default: 2000

Refresh Type: Recycle


Affects the statistics cleanup algorithm that is performed during New Day when the RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is set to 0. If the ratio between the number of records to be deleted and the number of records in the table is less than the value of this parameter, then records are deleted directly from the statistics table. Otherwise a temporary table is used to delete the records.

Valid values: decimal fraction between 0–1

Default: 0.33

Refresh Type: Recycle


Number of Run Information records to keep for a given MemName/MemLib/HostID. If RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is 0, the New Day Procedure deletes all Run Information records for each unique name except the last n records, where n is the value of this parameter.

Valid values: 1–2^31

Default: 20

Refresh Type: Recycle


Valid values: 0, 1

0 – Performs -PURGE cleanup. Statistics records per job are kept according to the specified Statistics Mode (either MEMNAME or JOBNAME). Default: 20 records of each MEMNAME or JOBNAME are kept.

If the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the config.dat is specified, the number of records that are kept is determined by this parameter.

1 – Performs -DELETE cleanup. Only the amount of days that are specified are kept. Default: The number of days kept is specified by the How Many Days to Retain ioalog parameter.

If the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the config.dat is specified, the number of days that are kept is determined by this parameter.

Default: 0

Refresh Type: Recycle


Determines whether Control-M/Server collects job statistics

Valid Values:

  • Y
  • N

Default: Y

See Also: ctmruninf, ctmstats


Specifies mode used to collect summary statistics by ctmjsa. In addition it is used for actions on statistics such as average and deletion.

Valid values:

  • JOBNAME – compiles statistics for each Control-M Job Name/Table and Host ID where the job was submitted
  • MEMNAME – compiles statistics for each Control-M Mem Name/Mem Lib and Host ID


Refresh Type: Recycle

See Also: ctmruninf, ctmstats


For statistics calculation, indicates how the START TIME and END TIME for a job should be set.

Valid values:

  • SERVER – START TIME and END TIME are set by Control‑M/Server.
  • AGENT – START TIME and END TIME are set using information received from the Control‑M/Agent.

Default: SERVER

Refresh Type: Manual

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Control-M/Server parameters