New Day parameters

The following table describes Control-M/Server New Day parameters.

NOTE: If you change the Ignore New Day Conditions to Y, edit or create a file in the home directory of the Control-M owner account: ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/dbs_ignrcond.dat.




Specifies whether the New Day procedure sends a request to Control-M/Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.

Valid values: Y, N

  • Y—The New Day procedure sends a request to Control-M/Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.
  • N —The New Day procedure does not send a request to the Control-M/Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.

    NOTE: You can speed up the New Day procedure by specifying N for this parameter and running the ctmagcln utility. For more information, see Control‑M Utilities.

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Recycle


Timeout value for long New Day database transactions.

Valid values: 300–3600 (seconds)

Default: 300 (seconds)

Refresh Type: Recycle

Day Time


Start-of-day time that Control‑M uses

This time is when the Control‑M date (Odate) changes and the New Day procedure runs.

Valid Values: either of the following formats (where hh indicates hours and mm indicates minutes):

  • +hhmm changes the Control‑M date at the specified time after midnight.
  • -hhmm changes the Control‑M date at the specified time before midnight.

    Note: To avoid scheduling delays with time zone jobs, the minute value for New Day Time should be configured to hh00 or hh30.

These values reflect 24-hour time. For example, 2200 is equivalent to 10 P.M.


If you use +0600, the hours between midnight and 6:00 A.M. are considered part of the previous date’s work day. Thus, system date February 10, 5:59 A.M. is considered part of the February 9 work day.

If you use -2200, the hours between 10 P.M. and midnight are considered part of the next date’s work day. Thus, at 10:00 P.M. on system date February 10, the Control‑M date changes to February 11.

Default: +0700

How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the number of threads that would handle the download process in case parallel download is enabled (NEWDAY_MODE = 1).

Valid values: 1–100

Default: 3


Determines the number of jobs that are cached in memory to speed up the download. Increasing this number causes the product to consume more memory.

Valid values: 100-100000

Default: 500


Determines whether to perform a Full backup when clean AJF is enabled.

Valid values:

  • Y–Enabled.
  • N–Disabled.

Default: Y

Ignore New Day Conditions (C2)

Whether the New Day procedure should ignore prerequisite conditions if their reference date (day and month) matches the Control‑M date + 1.

How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic

Valid values: Y or N

Default: N


Determines whether New Day performance enhancements are enabled.

Valid values:

  • 0: Disabled
  • 1:Enabled

Default: 1


Specifies whether the statistics cleanup action is executed during the New Day procedure.

Valid values:

  • Y—The statistics cleanup action is executed during New Day procedure.
  • N—The statistics cleanup action is not executed during New Day procedure.

Note: You can speed up the New Day procedure by specifying N for this parameter and running ctmruninf -PURGE.

Default: Y

Refresh Type: Recycle


Specifies the number of seconds preceding launch of the NewDay procedure during which jobs are not submitted.

Valid values: 0–3600 (seconds)

Default: 2 (seconds)

Refresh Type: Manual



Specifies the number of threads that would handle the SYSTEM user daily when parallel system daily is enabled (NEWDAY_MODE = 1)

Valid values: 1–100

Default: 4

Parent Topic

Control-M/Server parameters