Logging parameters

The following table describes Control-M/Server Logging parameters.



Max. Days to Retain Output Files (OUTPUTRETN)

Number of days that job OUTPUT files are retained for jobs executed by agent computers

After this period, the New Day procedure deletes all job OUTPUT files.

This parameter also affects the number of days that old nets are saved. To view OUTPUT files of jobs in old nets, in some cases OUTPUT files must be saved for an extra calendar day.

Valid values: Any number greater than 0.

Default: 1

How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic

Maximum Days Retained by Control‑M Log (IOALOGLM)

The maximum number of days that entries are retained in the Control‑M log before the New Day cleanup procedure deletes them


If this value exceeds 2, the syslogs might run out of space. Either delete the transaction log or use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment.

For example, if the data device size is 400 MB and you want to retain history for 10 days, enlarge the temporary database to 240 MB.

Valid values: Any number greater than 0.

Default: 2

How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Refresh Type: Automatic


When set to Y, the use of the ctmlog utility for delete operation to Control‑M is restricted. Administrator only.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N

Refresh Type: Automatic

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Control-M/Server parameters