Condition rule

This table describes a Condition rule, in which a condition is added or removed at a specified time, and does not depend on other jobs:



Update condition state


Name of the Control-M whose jobs will be included in this exception definition. The (asterisk) wildcard character can be used in the field to represent multiple values.


Requirements to be met before a job can be submitted.

Order Date

Time and day at which the job is ordered.

The valid values are (in MM/DD):

  • Any Date
  • Order Date
  • No Date


The steps that Control-M takes when the specified condition is met.

The valid values are:

  • Add (default)
  • Delete

At (Sets when the event is triggered)

Average job start time

Start time based on existing Job Runtime Statistics.

New Day Time

The time that the New day procedure is scheduled to run.


Time of day at which the job starts, specified in hours and minutes using the 24-hour clock format (HH:MM). This is based on the time of the Control-M on which the job is run.

Calendar details (click Advanced) Applies to Service Assumption and Forecast/BIM Rules


Details of the Control-M and calendar to be used to schedule the job.


Name of one or more period for this exception definition, which can be selected from a list. Special month rules are not supported.

Parent Topic

Forecast/BIM rules