Critical Path fields

The following table describes the Use fields of the Critical Path search:




The following options can be selected:

  • Average Run Time: Defines the Average time (in hhmmss format) for the job to run, based on the last successful runs of the job.
  • Last Run Time: Defines the time (in hhmmss format) for the job to run, based on the last successful run of the job.

Overlapping Tolerance

The following options can be set when Use is set to Last Run Time:

  • Overlapping Tolerance check box: Defines whether to take into account the maximum time of the end of one job can overlap with the start of the next job. For jobs with no statistics, the expected run time is 0 and does not affect the critical path calculation.

    If the check box is not selected, then the overlapping tolerance is not taken into account in the critical path calculation.

  • Overlapping Tolerance: Defines the maximum time of the end of one job can overlap with the start of the next job. For jobs with no statistics, the expected run time is 0 and does not affect the critical path calculation.

Parent Topic

Critical Path