Migrating Control-M Application Integrator job types

This procedure describes how to migrate Control-M Application Integrator job types from one Control-M/EM environment to another.

NOTE: Relevant only if you have already defined Application Integrator jobs in Control-M.

Before you begin

To migrate Control-M Application Integrator job types:

  1. Log in to the Application Integrator from the source Control-M/EM environment.
  2. From the Home page, click the deployed Job Type you want to migrate.
  3. Click Export.

    The exported file <JobTypeName>.ctmai is saved locally.

  4. (Optional) To migrate additional job types, repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. Log in to the Application Integrator from the target Control-M/EM environment.
  6. From the Home page, click Import job type from file.
  7. Select the Job Type that has been exported in step 3 and click Open.

    The Job Type editing tab appears.

  8. Click Deploy.

    The Deploy job type window appears.

  9. Select which Control-M/Agent you want to deploy the Job Type.

    The Job Type has now been deployed to Control-M and Control-M/Agents.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM Migration