Creating a quantitative resource

This procedure describes how to create a quantitative resource for a Control-M/Server, which is then used to allocate resources according to the job definition.

To create a quantitative resource:

  1. From the Tools domain, in the Production Control area, select Quantitative Resources.
  2. From the Quantitative Resources ribbon, click Add Resource.
  3. Do the following:
    1. In the Resource Name field, type a name for the resource.
    2. From the Control-M Server drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server that hosts the resource.
    3. In the Max field, select the maximum quantity of this resource that can be used by jobs concurrently.

    EXAMPLE: If the Max field = 12 and Job1 requires 4, Job2 requires 5, and Job3 requires 10, then Job1 and Job2 can run together. Job3 cannot run concurrently with one of the other jobs.

  4. Click Save.

    The resource appears in the Quantitative Resource list.

Parent Topic

Quantitative Resource management