Configuring Control-M/EM kernel components as cluster resources on UNIX

This procedure describes how to configure the CMS, Naming Service, and PostgreSQL database (if installed) components as cluster resources on UNIX.

NOTE: This procedure is optional. If you do not do it, the Configuration Agent continues to manage the Control-M/EM components.

To configure Control-M/EM kernel cluster resources on UNIX:

  1. Set the system parameter ClusterInstall to 1, as described in Control-M/EM general parameters.

    The CMS, Naming Service, and PostgreSQL database components are no longer managed by the Configuration Agent.

  2. From your cluster manager, add the start, check, and stop commands, as described in Control-M/EM UNIX cluster commands.

    The Control-M/EM components are now managed by the cluster manager.

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM UNIX cluster configuration