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Sample class

The following example describes a sample class:

import com.bmc.ctmem.emapi.*;

public class EMAPISample {

  public EMAPISample() {


  /** run once before submitting requests */

  public void do_init(String[] args) {



  /** run once before exiting the program */

public void do_terminate() {



  /** This submits the XMLRequest received as a parameter

* and returns the response */

  public String submit_request(String XMLRequest) {

  String XMLResponse="";

// Creates a   component

  ComponentType gsr_comp = new GSRComponent();

  // Creates a new   EMXMLInvoker instance 

  EMXMLInvoker my_invoker = new EMXMLInvoker(gsr_comp);

  try {

    // Submits the request given as a parameter

  XMLResponse = my_invoker.invoke(XMLRequest);


  catch(InvokeException i) {

  // must handle InvokeException


  return XMLResponse;



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Control-M/EM API configuration